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 1. Joe Kissell  Non-Human Farmers  Interesting Thing of the Day 
 2. Anne Bramley  Eat Feed 32: The Gifted Cook-Food games and trivia; cocoas, ports, and puddings; gifts from small farmers and for small farmers; homemade gifts from the kitchen  Eat Feed 
 3. Charles and Mary Beard  2 - The Farmers Beyond the Appalachians  History of the United States, Part IV 
 4. Elizabeth Arzouni  Farmers' Markets   
 5. GID TANNER and HIS SKILLET LICKERS  farmers daughter   
 6. Dow Jones and the Industrials  Rocking Farmers  Hoosier Hysteria 
 7. Dow Jones and the Industrials  Rocking Farmers  Hoosier Hysteria 
 8. Dow Jones and the Industrials  Rocking Farmers  Hoosier Hysteria 
 9. Creole Zydeco Farmers  Creole Farmers Stomp  On the Road 
 10. ABC Radio National  2007-12-15 The Oyster Farmers  Radio Eye 
 11. David Boaz  Farm Aid: Not Just for Farmers Anymore  Cato Daily Podcast 
 12. David Boaz  Farm Aid: Not Just for Farmers Anymore  Cato Daily Podcast 
 13. David Harrison Horton  9th Street Farmers Market  November 14, 2008 
 14. David Boaz  Farm Aid: Not Just for Farmers Anymore  Cato Daily Podcast 
 15. Glen Ford  Black Farmers Confront Obama  Black Agenda Radio Commentaries 
 16. WFHB  Farmers' Market Report: May 29, 2009  Harvest Home 
 17. People Like Us  Farmers Manual / Allinone.Remix  Hate People Like Us 
 18. Manuel Rueda  What the US-Colombia Free Trade Deal Could Mean for Small Farmers   
 19. A World of Possibilities  A Hunger to Farm: Immigrant Farmers in America PROMO   
 20. Athini Melane.  Street Beat – South African Women Farmers   
 21. Anne Bramley  Eat Feed 16: May In Season-Undiscovered deliciousness with watercress and entertaining farmers� markets   
 22. Bismillah Geelani  Month-Long Land Rights March by Poor Farmers Reaches Indian Capitol   
 23. BJORK  Human Behavior/Close To Human Mix  Unknown Album 
 24. White Zombie  More Human Than Human (Lorn Remix)    
 25. Harold Koh  Realizing the Promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Examining the First 60 Years and Beyond - Keynote Address - The Politics of Implementation: The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Poli  Washington College of Law 
 26. Joanne Bauer  The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and the Importance of Human Rights Policies  Carnegie Council Program 
 27. PRI's The World: Technology  WTP 122: Robots, Surgery in Space, WiFi for Filipino Farmers, Light for Rural Mexico, Games, and Boarding Passes of Tomorrow  PRI's The World: Technology 
 28. Mark Pesce  The Human Use of Human Networks  ISOC-AU Defining the Future 
 29. The Bran Pos...  Human:Insect:Human  Amduscias 
 30. Mark Pesce  The Human Use of Human Networks  ISOC-AU Defining the Future 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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